Autonomic noncommercial organization Ecological
Synthesizing Center "EAST"

Modelling and assessment of pollution of the atmosphere and other environmental compartments

ANO ESC “EAST” retains previous developments and continues the activities of the Meteorological Synthesizing Centre “East” (MSC-E) related to modelling and assessment of transboundary transport of pollution. MSC-E was one of the scientific Centres of the EMEP programme established within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and operated on the territory of the Russian Federation until 31 December 2023. For more than 30 years the scientific Centre has been engaged in research and development of atmospheric transboundary transport models of atmospheric pollutants. The Centre has carried out operational modelling of pollution levels of heavy metals (HMs) and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment. The results of the multi-year work are reflected in reports and scientific articles. The main activities of MSC-E are summarized in the Booklet.

In the framework of the EMEP programme a multi-scale modelling platform (GLEMOS model) was developed. The model was designed for the modelling of atmospheric transport, circulation and accumulation of HMs and POPs in the environment. An open source version of the GLEMOS model (v2.2.2, for a limited number of pollutants: Cd, Pb, Hg, BaP) is available on the GitHub platform. For detailed information on installing, compiling and running of the model, please refer to the User Manual.

Contact person: Alexey Gusev ( and Ilyin Ilia (

ANO ESC "EAST" offers the following type of activities to assess HM and POP pollution of Russia and other regions:

1. Model calculations of pollution levels of:
  • various geographical regions, countries, and individual objects (nature reserves, national parks, watersheds, regional seas and the Arctic)
  • various types of underlying surface (forests, agricultural lands, etc.)
2. Calculations of transboundary transport of pollution and contributions of various anthropogenic sources to pollution levels for:

  • global sources,
  • neighboring countries,
  • various regions of the country,
  • different categories of emission sources,
  • densely populated areas and large point emission sources.
3. Assessment of contribution of natural fires to air pollution.
4. Estimation of long-term changes in pollution levels in different regions of the country.
5. Forecast of pollution levels based on various emission scenarios.
6. Model calculation of HM and POP deposition from the atmosphere onto various types of underlying surfaces and the excess of maximum permissible concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in the air for individual regions to contribute to the assessment of the impact on public health and ecosystems.
ANO ESC "EAST" offers consultation and assistance on:

  • running the GLEMOS model;
  • use of utilities for preparing input data and processing calculation results.
Global EMEP Multi-media Modeling System (GLEMOS)

An open source version of the GLEMOS model (v2.2.2, limited number of pollutants: Cd, Pb, Hg, BaP) is now available at the GitHub platform. See User Manual for more details on the model installation, compilation and run.

Global modelling framework GLEMOS is a multi-scale multi-pollutant simulation platform developed for operational and research applications within the EMEP programme [Tarrason and Gusev, 2008; Travnikov et al., 2009, Jonson and Travnikov, 2010, Travnikov and Jonson, 2011]. The framework allows simulations of dispersion and cycling of different classes of pollutants (e.g. heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants) in the environment with a flexible choice of the simulation domain (from global to local scale) and spatial resolution. In addition, GLEMOS supports multi-media description of the pollutants cycling in the environment. A modular architecture of the modelling system allows flexible configuration of the model set-up for particular research task and pollutant properties.

Scope of application

GLEMOS modelling system is developed for different research and operational applications including:
  • Multi-media simulations of the environment pollution with various contaminants on different scales (from global to national/local)
  • Estimates of long-term cycling and accumulation of pollutants in the environmental media
  • Assessment of intercontinental transport of the contaminants and its contribution to regional and local pollution
  • Evaluation of future pollution scenarios and interlinks between climate change and the environment pollution.
Modular architecture

The modular architecture is a key feature of the modeling system aimed at providing flexibility for multi-media simulations of pollutants with diverse properties. Each environmental medium is presented in the model by a set of procedures describing general processes in the medium which are combined into the program modules. Each module can be attached to or detached from the model at the compilation stage using command scripts. All pollutants are combined in groups of substances with similar properties (e.g. mercury, particulate heavy metals, POPs etc.). Each pollutant group is presented in the model by a number of modules defining the pollutant properties and its behaviour in each environmental media. Besides, each pollutant can be characterized by different physical forms or chemical compounds specific for each media. The pollutant groups can be attached to the model using the procedure similar to that for the environmental media.

Three major groups of substances have been included into the current version of the modeling system: mercury, particle-bound heavy metals (Pb, Cd) and POPs. An additional pollutant group that is mainly used for testing and evaluation of the model performance pertains to inert and radioactive tracers (131I, 134Cs, 137Cs, 132Te, etc.) It is also planed to include a separate group of modules for simulation of atmospheric aerosol to improve the model description of heavy metal and POP related atmospheric processes (gas-particle partitioning, sorption, heterogeneous chemistry, etc.)

General scheme of the modular architecture of the GLEMOS modelling system
Model domain and spatial grid

GLEMOS allows application on different geographical scales with various spatial resolutions. The base model grid on a global scale has horizontal resolution 1°×1°. The model grid has variable cell size in the zonal direction next to the poles to avoid extremely small spatial steps (and extra small integration time steps). The standard regional model domain covers the EMEP region (30°N-82°N, 30°W-90°E) with a spatial grid that has a changeable resolution down to 0.1°×0.1°. In addition, variety of smaller domains can be used for national scale case studies.

Configurations of the horizontal model grid (global, EMEP, national)

In the vertical the model domain covers the height up to 10 hPa (ca. 30 km). Significant vertical coverage is required for modeling atmospheric dispersion of long-lived substances on a global scale in order to avoid the need of setting boundary conditions at the upper boundary as well as to take into account possible stratosphere-troposphere exchange. The current vertical structure consists of 20 irregular terrain-following sigma layers. Among them 10 layers cover the lowest 5 km of the troposphere and height of the lowest layer is about 75 m.

Vertical structure of the model grid

Parameterization of physical and chemical processes

Parameterizations of media processes implemented in the model are largely based on the previous well developed and extensively tested models MSCE-HM and MCSE-POP. A summary of the major model parameterizations is given in the table below.

Chemistry (Hg)
Red-ox reactions with O3, OH, Cl, Br, BrO in gas phase and in cloud water. Standard O3/OH scheme. Br-initiated chemistry. Standard O3/OH scheme. Br-initiated chemistry. Photo-reduction of oxidized Hg.
Degradation (POPs)
Gas-phase reaction with OH; photodegradation of particle-phase (PAHs)
3-time-level second order leapfrog finite-difference scheme
Partitioning between phases (POPs)
Instantaneous equilibrium governed by partitioning coefficients
Based on sedimentation velocity estimated by the Stokes formula
Degradation (POPs)
First-order process with empirically derived pollutant-dependent degradation rates
Vertical transport
Transport with convective water flux; diffusion and bioturbation
Partitioning between phases (POPs)
Instantaneous equilibrium governed by partitioning coefficients (readily accessible OC); firs-order dynamic exchange with potentially accessible OC
Degradation (POPs)
First-order process with empirically derived pollutant-dependent degradation rates
Media exchange
Gas exchange
Resistence analogy approach, simple two-layers model
More detailed descriptions of the model parameterisations and approaches is available in a series of technical reports:

Travnikov O. and I.Ilyin [2005] Regional Model MSCE-HM of Heavy Metal Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 6/2005, p.59.
Gusev A., Mantseva E., Shatalov V., Strukov B. [2005] Regional Multicompartment Model MSCE-POP. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 5/2005.
Travnikov O., J.E. Jonson, A.S Andersen, M. Gauss, A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, D. Simpson, V. Sokovykh, S. Valiyaveetil and P. Wind [2009] Development of the EMEP global modelling framework: Progress report. Joint MSC-E/MSC-W Report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 7/2009.
Jonson J. E. and Travnikov O. (Eds.). [2010] Development of the EMEP global modeling framework: Progress report. Joint MSC-W/MSC-E Report. EMEP/MSC-W Technical Report 1/2010.
Travnikov O. and Jonson J. E. (Eds.). [2011] Global scale modelling within EMEP: Progress report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2011

Model evaluation

The GELMOS modelling system was extensively evaluated in a number of numerical experiments and multi-model studies within the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (TF HTAP). The validation program included testing the atmospheric transport, evaluation of model performance against observations and assessment of source attribution abilities on a global scale. In addition, the atmospheric transport module of GLEMOS was recently tested in a numerical experiment based on dispersion of radioactive isotopes from the Fukushima-1 accident. The model performance in simulation of Hg pollution on a global scale was tested in the multi-model assessments within the Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) project [Travnikov et al., 2017] and the Global Mercury Assessment 2018 [AMAP/UN Environment, 2019].


AMAP/UN Environment, 2019. Technical Background Report for the Global Mercury Assessment 2018. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, Oslo, Norway/UN Environment Programme, Chemicals and Health Branch, Geneva, Switzerland. viii + 426 pp including E-Annexes.
Gusev A., Mantseva E., Shatalov V., Strukov B. [2005] Regional Multicompartment Model MSCE-POP. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 5/2005.
Jonson J. E. and Travnikov O. (Eds.). [2010] Development of the EMEP global modeling framework: Progress report. Joint MSC-W/MSC-E Report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2010.
Tarrasón L. and Gusev A. [2008] Towards the development of a common EMEP global modeling framework. MSC-W Technical Report 1/2008
Travnikov O., Angot H., Artaxo P., Bencardino M., Bieser J., D'Amore F., Dastoor A., De Simone F., Diéguez M. D. C., Dommergue A., Ebinghaus R., Feng X. B., Gencarelli C. N., Hedgecock I. M., Magand O., Martin L., Matthias V., Mashyanov N., Pirrone N., Ramachandran R., Read K. A., Ryjkov A., Selin N. E., Sena F., Song S., Sprovieri F., Wip D., Wängberg I., and Yang X. [2017] Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: atmospheric processes and model evaluation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 5271-5295, doi:10.5194/acp-17-5271-2017.
Travnikov O. and Jonson J. E. (Eds.). [2011] Global scale modelling within EMEP: Progress report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2011
Travnikov O., J.E. Jonson, A.S Andersen, M. Gauss, A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, D. Simpson, V. Sokovykh, S. Valiyaveetil and P. Wind [2009] Development of the EMEP global modelling framework: Progress report. Joint MSC-E/MSC-W Report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 7/2009.
Travnikov O. and I.Ilyin [2005] Regional Model MSCE-HM of Heavy Metal Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 6/2005, p.59.

List of MSC-E reports (1996-2023)

Reports are available on request

EMEP Status Report 2/2023
Heavy metals and POPs: Pollution assessment of toxic substances on regional and global scales. I.Ilyin, N.Batrakova, A.Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, I.Strizhkina, N.Vulykh, O.Travnikov
Executive Summary Full text (pdf 30 Mb)
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2023 (prepared under contract with OSPAR) "Assessment of Pb, Cd and Hg atmospheric pollution of OSPAR maritime area in 2020"
Ilyin I., O.Travnikov, O.Rozovskaya

EMEP Status Report 2/2022 "Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales" I. Ilyin, N. Batrakova, A. Gusev, M. Kleimenov, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, I. Strizhkina, O. Travnikov, N. Vulykh, K. Breivik, P.B. Nizzetto, K. A. Pfaffhuber, W. Aas, S. Poupa, R. Wankmueller, B. Ullrich, M. Bank, Q. Tri Ho, M. G. Vivanco, M.R. Theobald, J.L. Garrido, V. Gil, F. Couvidat, A. Collette, M. Mircea, M. Adani, I. Delia, R.D. Kouznetsov, E.V. Kadancev
MSC-E Data Report 1/2022 "Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales. Part I. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR HEAVY METALS" Strizhkina I., I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov
MSC-E Data Report 2/2022 "Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales Part II. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR POPs"
Strizhkina I., A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2022 (prepared under contract with OSPAR) "Trends in deposition of heavy metals to the OSPAR maritime area" Ilyin I., O.Travnikov, O.Rozovskaya, I.Strizhkina

EMEP Status Report 2/2021 "Heavy metals and POPs: Pollution assessment of toxic substances on regional and global scales" Ilyin I., N.Batrakova, A.Gusev, M.Kleimenov, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, I.Strizhkina, O.Travnikov, K.Breivik, H.L.Halvorsen, P.B.Nizzetto, K.A.Pfaffuffer, W.Aas, K.Mareckova, S.Poupa, R.Wankmueller, B.Ullrich, A.Degorska
MSC-E Data Report 1/2021 "Heavy metals and POPs: Pollution assessment of toxic substances on regional and global scales. Part I. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR HEAVY METALS" Strizhkina I., I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov
MSC-E Data Report 2/2021 "Heavy metals and POPs: Pollution assessment of toxic substances on regional and global scales. Part II. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR POPs" Strizhkina I., A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
MSC-E Technical Report 1/2021 "Co-operative activities on Hg and POP pollution assessment within TF HTAP. Progress report" Travnikov O., M.Kleimenov, A.Gusev
MSC-E Technical Report 2/2021 "Assessment of PAH pollution levels, key sources and trends: Contribution to analysis of the effectiveness of the Protocol on POPs" A.Gusev, N.Batrakova, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N. Vulykh, A.Degorska

EMEP Status Report 2/2020 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs" O. Travnikov, N. Batrakova, A. Gusev, I. Ilyin, M. Kleimenov, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, I. Strijkina, W. Aas, K. Breivik, P.B. Nizzetto, K.Pfaffhuber,K. Mareckova, S. Poupa, R. Wankmueller, K. Seussall
MSC-E Data Report 1/2020 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs. Part I. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR HEAVY METALS" I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, I.Strijkina
MSC-E Data Report 2/2020 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs. Part II. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR POPs"
A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, I.Strijkina
MSC-E Technical Report 1/2020 "Country-scale assessment of heavy metal pollution: A case study for Germany" Ilyin I. , O. Travnikov, G. Schütze, S. Feigenspan and K. Uhse
Joint Report of MSC-E and German Environment Agency.
MSC-E Technical Report 2/2020 "Assessment of PAH pollution levels, key sources and trends: contribution to analysis of the effectiveness of the POPs Protocol" Progress Report. Gusev A. and N. Batrakova

EMEP Status Report 2/2019 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs" Gusev A., I. Ilyin, V. Shatalov, O. Travnikov, N. Batrakova, O. Rozovskaya, I. Strijkina, K.Brevik, Nizzetto P.B., W. Aas, K. Mareckova, S. Poupa, C. Sosa, M. Tista, R. Wankmueller, F. Couvidat
MSC-E Data Report 3/2019 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR HEAVY METALS"
I. Ilyin, A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, O.Travnikov, I.Strijkina
MSC-E Data Report 4/2019 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS FOR POPs" A. Gusev, I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, O.Travnikov, I.Strijkina

EMEP Status Report 2/2018 "Assessment of heavy metal transboundary pollution on global, regional and national scales" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, W. Aas, K.A. Pfaffhuber
EMEP Status Report 3/2018 "Persistent Organic Pollutants: assessment of transboundary pollution on global, regional, and national scales" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N. Vulykh, W. Aas and K.Breivik
MSC-E Technical Report 4/2018 "Detailed assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution in the EMEP countries, PART I: An overview of case studies"

Technical Report 5/2018 "Detailed assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution in the EMEP countries, PART II: Poland" Joint MSC-E & IER-NRI & EGAR & CHMI Report

EMEP Status Report 2/2017 "Assessment of heavy metal transboundary pollution on regional and national scales, transition to the new EMEP grid" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, W. Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2017 "Transboundary transport of persistent organic pollutants with emphasis on PAHs: regional and national scale assessment and transition to the new EMEP grid" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N. Vulykh, P. Bohlin-Nizzetto, K.Breivik and W. Aas
Вклад МСЦ-В в Технический отчет ЕМЕП 1/2017 "Joint CEIP/MSC-E technical report on emission inventory improvement for heavy metals modeling” Joint CEIP & MSC-E Report (подготовлен CEIP)
Вклад МСЦ-В в Технический отчет ЕМЕП 4/2017 “Joint CEIP/MSC-E technical report on emission inventory improvement for persistent organic pollutants modeling” Joint CEIP & MSC-E Report (подготовлен CEIP)

Technical report 1/2016 "Heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants: model assessment of pollution and research activities" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Travnikov O.
EMEP Status Report 2/2016 "Assessment of heavy metals transboundary pollution, progress in model development and mercury research" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, W.Aas, K.A. Pfaffhuber
EMEP Status Report 3/2016 "Persistent Organic Pollutants: assessment of transboundary pollution on regional and global scales" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, W.Aas, P. Nizzetto, M. Modlík, P. Machálek, R. Srnenský
Технический отчет МСЦ-В и НАН Беларуси 4/2016 "Оценки уровней загрязнения свинцом территории Беларуси с высоким пространственным разрешением"
И.Ильин, M.Варыгина, С.Какарека

EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 1/2015 "Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants: Multi-scale modelling and trend analysis methodology" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Travnikov O.
EMEP Status Report 2/2015 "Heavy metals: Analysis of long-term trends, country-specific research and progress in mercury regional and global modelling" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2015 "Assessment of spatial and temporal trends of POP pollution on regional and global scale" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, W. Aas, P. Nizzetto

Joint MSC-E/RIVM Report 1/2014 "Assessment of Lead Pollution Levels in the Netherlands (EMEP case study)" I. Ilyin, M. Varygina, E. van der Swaluw, B. Jimmink, B. Leekstra
EMEP Status Report 2/2014 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2014 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, W. Aas, P. Nizzetto
EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 4/2014 "Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants: Model Assessment of Pollution and Research Activities" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Rozovskaya O., Travnikov O.

EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 1/2013 "Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants: Model Assessment of Pollution and Research Activities" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Rozovskaya O., Sokovykh V., Travnikov O.
EMEP Status Report 2/2013 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, W.Aas, H.T.Uggerud
EMEP Status Report 3/2013 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, V.Sokovykh, N.Vulykh, W. Aas, K. Breivik, A.A.Katsogiannis

EMEP/MSC-E Technical note 1/2012 "Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution Levels in the Czech Republic (EMEP case study). Joint MSC-E/CHMI Report" Ilyin I., O. Travnikov, M. Varygina, M. Vana, P. Machalek, H.Hnilikova
EMEP Status Report 2/2012 "Long-term Changes of Heavy Metal Transboundary Pollution of the Environment (1990-2010)" O.Travnikov, Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, M.Varygina, W.Aas, H.T.Uggerud, K. Mareckova, and R. Wankmueller
EMEP Status Report 3/2012 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" V.Shatalov, Gusev A., S.Dutchak, O.Rozovskaya, V.Sokovykh, N.Vulykh, W. Aas, K. Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 4/2012 DRAFT "Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants : New developments" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Rozovskaya O., Sokovykh V., Travnikov O., Wiberg K. and Cousins I.
EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 5/2012 "Transboundary Pollution by Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants in 2010 (Беларусь, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Spain, Sweden)" Ilyin I., Gusev A., Rozovskaya O., Strijkina I.


EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 1/2011 "Global scale modelling within EMEP: Progress report" O. Travnikov and J. E. Jonson (Eds.)
EMEP Status Report 2/2011 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" Ilyin I., O.Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, W.Aas, H.T.Uggerud
EMEP Status Report 3/2011 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" Gusev A., S.Dutchak, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, V.Sokovykh, N.Vulykh, W. Aas, K. Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 4/2011 DRAFT "Assessment of environmental contamination by heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants: New developments" Shatalov V., Ilyin I., Gusev A., Rozovskaya O., Sokovykh V., Travnikov O., Wiberg K. and Cousins I.

EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 1/2010 DRAFT "Modelling of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants: New developments" Ilyin I., A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, V. Sokovykh, O. Travnikov
EMEP Status Report 2/2010 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" Ilyin I., O. Rozovskaya, V. Sokovyh, O.Travnikov, M Varygina, W.Aas, H.T.Uggerud
EMEP Status Report 3/2010 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" Shatalov V., A. Gusev, S. Dutchak, O. Rozovskaya, V. Sokovykh, N. Vulykh, W. Aas, K. Breivik

EMEP/MSC-E Technical report 1/2009 "Modelling of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants: New developments" Gusev A., I. Iliyn, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, V. Sokovych, O. Travnikov
EMEP Status Report 2/2009 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, V. Sokovyh, O.Travnikov, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2009 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, V. Sokovyh, W. Aas, K. Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 4/2009 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence ofHexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)" N. Vulykh, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 5/2009 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Trifluralin." N. Vulykh, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 6/2009 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Pentachlorophenol (PCP)" N. Vulykh, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
Joint MSC-E/MSC-W Report. EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 7/2009 "Development of the EMEP global modelling framework: Progress report" Travnikov O., J.E. Jonson, A.S Andersen, M. Gauss, A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, D. Simpson, V. Sokovyh, S. Valiyaveetil and P. Wind

EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2008 "Modelling of transboundary atmospheric pollution by heavy metals and POPs in Europe and Central Asia" Gusev A., Ilyin I., Shatalov V. and Sokovych V.
EMEP Status Report 2/2008 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, W.Aas, J.P.Hettelingh, G.J. Reinds
EMEP Status Report 3/2008 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A. Gusev, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, V. Sokovyh, W. Aas, K. Breivik, A.K. Halse


EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2007 "Modelling POP long-range transport and contamination levels by MSCE-POP model" A. Gusev, O.Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
EMEP Status Report 2/2007 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, O.Travnikov, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2007 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A.Gusev, E.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N.Vulykh, W.Aas, K.Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 4/2007 "Atmospheric modelling of heavy metal pollution in Europe: Further development and evaluation of the MSCE-HM model" I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, V. Sokovykh, O. Travnikov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 5/2007 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs)" N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E REPORT 6/2007 EMEP/MSC-E contribution to the UN ECE CAPACT project. "Model assessment of transboundary pollution by lead and PCB-153 of the Central Asian Countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan" A.Gusev, I. Ilyin, O. Travnikov, V.Sokovych

EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2006 "EMEP contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of PentaBDE, Endosulfan, Dicifol, HCBD, PeCB, PCN" N. Vulykh, S. Dutchak, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP Status Report 2/2006 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O.Travnikov, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2006 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A.Gusev, E.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N.Vulykh W.Aas, K.Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 4/2006 "PROGRESS IN FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF MSCE-HM AND MSCE-POP MODELS (implementation of the model review recommendations)" A. Gusev, I. Ilyin, L.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov, O. Travnikov
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 5/2006 "POP Model Intercomparison Study. Stage II. Comparison of mass balance estimates and sensitivity studies" V.Shatalov, E.Mantseva, A.Baart, P.Bartlett, K.Breivik, J.Christensen, S.Dutchak, S.Gong, A.Gusev, K.M.Hansen, A.Hollander, P.Huang, K.Hungerbuhler, K.Jones, G.Petersen, M.Roemer, M.Scheringer, J.Stocker, N.Suzuki, A.Sweetman, D.van de Meent, F.Wegmann
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 6/2006 "EMEP contribution to the preparatory work for the review of the CLRTAP Protocol on Heavy metals" O. Afinogenova, S. Dutchak, I. Ilyin
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 7/2006 "Modelling of global POPs distribution in the Sea Environment" B. Strukov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 8/2006 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Chlordecone" N. Vulykh, S.Dutchak, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov

EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 1/2005 "Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models for Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Mercury. Stage III. Comparison of Modelling Results with Long-term Observations and Comparison of Calculated Items of Regional Balances" A.Ryaboshapko, R.Artz, R.Bullock, J.Christensen, M.Cohen, R.Draxler, I.Ilyin, J.Munthe, J.Pacyna, G.Petersen, D.Syrakov, O.Travnikov
EMEP Status Report 2/2005 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O.Travnikov, W.Aas
EMEP Status Report 3/2005 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" A.Gusev, E.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, V.Shatalov, N.Vulykh W.Aas, K.Breivik
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 4/2005 "POP Model Intercomparison Study. Stage II. Comparison of mass balance estimates and sensitivity studies" V.Shatalov, E.Mantseva, A.Baart, P.Bartlett, K.Breivik, J.Christensen, S.Dutchak, S.Gong, A.Gusev, K.M.Hansen, A.Hollander, P.Huang, K.Hungerbuhler, K.Jones, G.Petersen, M.Roemer, M.Scheringer, J.Stocker, N.Suzuki, A.Sweetman, D.van de Meent, F.Wegmann
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 5/2005 "Regional Multicompartment Model MSCE-POP" A.Gusev, E.Mantseva, V.Shatalov, B.Strukov
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 6/2005 "Regional Model MSCE-HM of Heavy Metal Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe" O.Travnikov, I.Ilyin
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 7/2005 "Modelling of POP Contamination in European Region: Evaluation of the Model Performance" Shatalov V., A.Gusev, S.Dutchak, I.Holoubek, E.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, A.Sweetman, B.Strukov, N.Vulykh
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 8/2005 "Modelling of Heavy Metal Airborne Pollution in Europe: Evaluation of the Model Performance" Ilyin I. and Travnikov O.
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 10/2005 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Endosulfan." N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Note 11/2005 "Hemispheric Model (MSCE-Hem) of Persistent Toxic Substances Dispersion in the Environment." A.Gusev, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov, O. Travnikov
EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report 12/2005 "Evaluation of B[a]P and g-HCH Transport from European and North American Emission Sources and Assessment of Deposition to the OSPAR Region" A.Gusev, Y.-F.Li, E. Mantseva, V.Shatalov, O.Rozovskaya, N.Vulykh
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 13/2005 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Dicofol." N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 14/2005 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Hexachlorobutadiene." N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 15/2005 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Pentachlorobenzene." N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
EMEP/MSC-E Information Note 16/2005 "EMEP Contrubution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs. New Substances: Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of Polychlorinated Naphthalene." N. Vulykh, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov

MSC-E Technical Report 1/2004 "POP Model Intercomparison Study. Stage I. Comparison of Descriptions of Main Processes Determining POP Behaviour in Various Environmental Compartments." V.Shatalov, E.Mantseva, A.Baart, P.Bartlett, K.Breivik, J.Christensen, S.Dutchak, D.Kallweit, R.Farret, M.Fedyunin, S.Gong, K.M.Hansen, I.Holoubek, P.Huang, K.Jones, M.Matthies, G.Petesen, K.Prevedouros, J.Pudykiewicz, M.Roemer, M.Salzman, M.Sheringer, J.Stocker, B.Strukov, N.Suzuki, A.Sweetman, D.van de Meent, F.Wegmann
EMEP Status Report 2/2004 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O.Travnikov, W.Aas, K.Breivik, S.Mano
EMEP Status Report 3/2004 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" S.Dutchak, V.Shatalov, E.Mantseva, O.Rozovskaya, N.Vulykh, M.Fedyunin, W.Aas, K.Breivik, S.Mano
MSC-E Information Note 4/2004 "EMEP Contribution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on Heavy Metals."
MSC-E Information Note 5/2004 "EMEP Contribution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants" E. Mantseva, S. Dutchak, O. Rozovskaya, V. Shatalov
Progress Report 6/2004 "Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models for Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Mercury" A.Ryaboshapko, R.Artz, R.Bullock, J.Christensen, M.Cohen, A.Dastoor, D.Davignon, R.Draxler, I.Ilyin, J.Munthe, J.Pacyna, G.Petersen, D.Syrakov, O.Travnikov
MSC-E Information Note 10/2004 "EMEP Contribution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs: New Substances. Model Assessment of Potential for Long-range Transboundary Atmospheric Transport and Persistence of PentaBDE" N. Vulykh, S. Dutchak, E. Mantseva, V. Shatalov
MSC-E Information Note 11/2004 "EMEP Contribution to the Preparatory Work for the Review of the CLRTAP Protocol on POPs: Review of Available POP Emissions Data."
O. Rozovskaya, S. Dutchak, E. Mantseva

EMEP/MSC-E Technical Report for AMAP "Assessment of Long-range Transport of Hg, PCBs and g-HCH to the Russian North" S.Dutchak, M.Fedyunin, A.Gusev, I.Ilyin, A.Malanichev, E.Mantseva, Yu.Resnyansky, V.Shatalov, B.Strukov, O.Travnikov, M.Varygina, N.Vulykh, A.Zelenko
MSC-E Technical Report 1/2003 "Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models for Long-Range Atmospheric transport of Mercury. Stage II. Comparison of modeling results with observations obtained during short-term measuring campaigns" A.Ryaboshapko, R.Artz, R.Bullock, J.Christensen, M.Cohen, A.Dastoor D.Davignon, R.Draxler,
R.Ebinghaus, I.Ilyin, J.Munthe, G.Petersen, D.Syrakov
EMEP Status Report 2/2003 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O.Travnikov, W.Aas, H.Uggerud
EMEP Status Report 3/2003 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" V.Shatalov, S. Dutchak, M.Fedyunin, E.Mantseva, B.Strukov, M.Varygina, N.Vulykh, W.Aas, S.Mano
MSC-E Technical Report 4/2003 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" V.Shatalov, M.Fedyunin, E.Mantseva, B.Strukov, N.Vulykh
MSC-E Technical Report 5/2003 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" I.Ilyin, O.Travnikov

MSC-E Technical Note 1/2002 "Behaviour of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Soil" G.Vassilyeva, V.Shatalov
MSC-E Technical Note 2/2002 "Expert Estimates of PCDD/F and PCB Emissions for Some European Countries" S.Kakareka, T.Kukharchyk
EMEP Status Report 3/2002 "Heavy Metal Contamination on European and Hemispherical Scale" I.Ilyin, A.Ryaboshapko, O.Travnikov
EMEP Status Report 4/2002 "POP Contamination on European and Hemispherical Scale" V.Shatalov, A.Malanichev, S.Dutchak
MSC-E/CCC Technical Report 5/2002 "Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Transboundary Pollution in 2000" I.Ilyin, A.Ryaboshapko, O.Afinogenova, T.Berg, A.-G.Hjellbrekke, D.S.Lee
MSC-E Technical Report 6/2002 "Modelling of Mercury Hemispheric Transport and Depositions" O.Travnikov, A.Ryaboshapko
MSC-E/CCC Technical Report 7/2002 "Assessment of POP Transport and Accumulation in the Environment" V.Shatalov, A.Malanichev, N.Vulykh, T.Berg, S.Mano
MSC-E Technical Report 8/2002 "Modelling of POP Hemispheric Transport" A.Malanichev, V.Shatalov, N.Vulykh, B.Strukov
MSC-E Technical Note 9/2002 "Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment" E.Mantseva, A.Malanichev, N.Vulykh
MSC-E Technical Note 10/2002 "Progress Report. Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models or Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Mercury. Stage II. Comparison of modelling results with observations obtained during short-term measuring campaigns." R.S.Artz, R.O.Bullock, J.Christensen, M.Cohen, A.Dastoor, D.Davignon, R.R.Draxler, R.Ebinghaus, I.Ilyin, J.Munthe, G.Petersen, A.Ryaboshapko, D.Syrakov

MSC-E Technical Note 1/2001 "Dynamics of POPs Distribution in Sea Wateramics of POPs Distribution in Sea Water" B.Strukov
MSC-E Technical Report 2/2001 "Intercomparison Study of Numerical Models for Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Mercury Stage I. Comparison of Chemical Modules for Mercury Transformations in a Cloud/Fog Environment" A.Ryaboshapko, I.Ilyin, R.Bullock, R.Ebinghaus, K.Lohman, J.Munthe, G.Petersen, C.Seigneur, I.Wangberg
EMEP Report 3/2001 "Evaluation of Transboundary Transport of Heavy Metals in 1999. Trend Analysis." I.Ilyin, A.Ryaboshapko, O.Afinogenova, T.Berg; A.-G.Hjellbrekke
EMEP Report 4/2001 "Assessment of POP Transport and Accumulation in the Environment" V.Shatalov, A.Malanichev, N.Vulykh, T.Berg, S.Mano
MSC-E Technical Note 5/2001 "Processing and Presentation of Information on HMs and POPs: Database and Web Site" E.Kozodaeva, A.Gusev, D.Amelin
MSC-E Technical Note 6/2001 "Investigation of Dioxin/Furan Composition in Emissions and in Environmental Media. Selection of Congeners for Modelling." N.Vulykh, V.Shatalov
MSC-E Technical Note 7/2001 "MSC-E Contribution to the HM and POP Emission Inventories: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Inventories and Emission Expert Estimates. Expert Estimates of Heavy Metal Emissions for some European Countries for 1980-98" V.Tsibulsky, V.Sokolovsky, S.Dutchak, V.Shatalov
MSC-E Technical Note 8/2001 "Hemispheric Model of Airborne Pollutant Transport" O.Travnikov

WMO/GAW N 136, V.I; EMEP/MSC-E 1/2000 "WMO/EMEP/UNEP Workshop on Modelling of Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Heavy Metals"
Technical Note 2/2000 "Long-range Transport Model Intercomparison Studies" A.Gusev, I.Ilyin, G.Petersen, A.van Pul A., D.Syrakov
EMEP Status report 3/2000 "Heavy Metal Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe: Monitoring and Modelling Results for 1997 and 1998" I.Ilyin, A.Ryaboshapko, O.Travnikov, T.Berg, A.-G.Hjellbrekke, R.Larsen
EMEP Status report 4/2000 "Investigation and Assesment of POP Transboundary Transport and Accumulation in Different Media. Joint report of EMEP Centres: MSC-E and CCC. Part I and Part II" V.Shatalov, A.Malanichev, T.Berg, R.Larsen
MSC-E Technical Note 5/2000 "Modelling of Long-range Transport and Deposition of POPs in the European Region with Emphasis to Sea Currents" B.Strukov, Yu.Resnyansky, A.Zelenko, A.Gusev, V.Shatalov
MSC-E Technical Note 6/2000 "Hexachlorbenzene. Properties, Emissions and Content in the Environment" N.Vulykh, V.Putilina
MSC-E Technical Note 7/2000 "Development of Hemispheric Multi-component Model for Simulation of HM and POP Long-range Transport" N.Pavlova, K.Rubinstein, A.Gusev
MSC-E Technical Note 9/2000 "Uncertainty Analysis of HM Long-range Atmospheric Transport Modelling" O.Travnikov

EMEP/MSC-E Report 3/99 "Monitoring and Modelling of Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Transboundary Transport in the Atmosphere of Europe" A.Ryaboshapko, I.Ilyin, A.Gusev, O.Afinogenova, T.Berg. and A.-G.Hjellbrekke
EMEP/MSC-E Report 4/99 "Long-range Transport of Selected Persistent Organic Pollutants. Development of Transport Models for Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Benzo[a]pyrene, Dioxins/furans and Lindane" M.Pekar, N.Pavlova, A.Gusev, V.Shatalov, N.Vulikh, D.Ioannisian, S.Dutchak, T.Berg and A.-G.Hjellbrekke
UNEP/WMO/MSC-E Technical Report Series "Atmospheric Input of Persistent Organic Pollutants to the Mediterranean Sea" L.Erdman, A.Gusev, N.Pavlova

EMEP/MSC-E Report 2/98 "Long-range Transport of Selected POPs. Development of Transport Models for Lindane, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Benzo[a]pyrene. Part I" M.Pekar, A.Gusev, N.Pavlova, B.Strukov, L.Erdman, I.Ilyin, S.Dutchak
EMEP/MSC-E Report 2/98 "Long-range Transport of Selected POPs. Physical-chemical Properties of Dioxins and Furans and Factors Influencing the Transport and Accumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants, Part II" A.Bulgakov, D.Ioannisian, B.Moisseev, A.Zelenko, Yu.Resnyansky, L.Erdman
EMEP/MSC-E Report 5/98 "Modelling of Long-range Transport of Lead and Cadmium from European Sources in 1996" M.Pekar, A.Gusev, L.Erdman
EMEP/MSC-E Report 7/98 "Mercury in the Atmosphere of Europe: Concentrations, Deposition Patterns, Transboundary Fluxes" A.Ryaboshapko, I.Ilyin, A.Gusev, O.Afinogenova

MSC-E Report 3/97 "Review of Migration and Transformation Parameters of Selected POPs" O.Vozhzennikov, A.Bulgakov, V.Popov, N.Lukoyanov, A.Naidenov, A.Burkov, J.Kutnyakov, V.Hzirnov
MSC-E Report 7/97 "Mercury in the Atmosphere: Estimates of Model Parameters" A.Ryaboshapko, V.Korolev
MSC-E Technical note 8/97 "Development of a Model of Mercury Emission Fluxes from Soil and their Mapping in Europe within the EMEP Grid" B.Moiseev

EMEP/MSC-E Report 2/96 "Heavy Metal Model Intercomparison. Methodology and Results for Pb in 1990" M. Sofiev, A.Maslyaev, A.Gusev
EMEP/MSC-E Report 9/96 "Regional Models LPMOD and ASIMD. Algorithms, Parameterization and Results of Application to Pb and Cd in Europe Scale for 1990" M. Pekar

Peer-reviewed papers

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Gusev, Alexey; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Möckel , Claudia; Shatalov, Victor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Breivik, Knut (2021) Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistent organic pollutants on a national scale. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, vol. 217, 112172, 2021.
Dastoor A., Wilson S.J., Travnikov O., Ryjkov A., Angot H., Christensen J.H., Steenhuisen F., Muntean M. (2022) Arctic atmospheric mercury: sources and changes. Arctic atmospheric mercury: sources and changes. Science of the Total Environment, 156213.
Dastoor A., Angot H., Bieser J., Christensen J.H., Douglas T.A., Heimbürger-Boavida L.-E., Jiskra M., Mason R.P., McLagan D.S., Obrist D., Outridge P.M., Petrova M.V., Ryjkov A., St. Pierre K.A., Schartup A.T., Soerensen A.L., Toyota K., Travnikov O., Wilson S.J., Zdanowicz C. (2022) Arctic mercury cycling. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 3, 270–286.
Alfonso Saiz-Lopeza, Oleg Travnikov, Jeroen E. Sonkec, Colin P. Thackrayd, Daniel J. Jacobd, Javier Carmona-Garcíae, Antonio Francés-Monerrisf, Daniel Roca-Sanjuáne, A. Ulises Acuñaa, Juan Z. Dávalosa, Carlos A. Cuevasa, Martin Jiskrac,, Feiyue Wangi, Johannes Bieserj, John M. C. Planek, and Joseph S. Franciscol.Photochemistry of oxidized Hg(I) and Hg(II) species suggests missing mercury oxidation in the troposphere. (2020) PNAS Latest Articles, pp.1-8.
Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Sebastian P. Sitkiewicz, Daniel Roca-Sanjuán, Josep M. Oliva-Enrich, Juan Z. Dávalos, Rafael Notario, Martin Jiskra, Yang Xu, Feiyue Wang, Colin P. Thackray, Elsie M. Sunderland, Daniel J. Jacob, Oleg Travnikov, Carlos A. Cuevas, A. Ulises Acuña, Daniel Rivero, John M.C. Plane, Douglas E. Kinnison & Jeroen E. Sonke.Photoreduction of gaseous oxidized mercury changes global atmospheric mercury speciation, transport and deposition. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, (2018) 9:4796, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07075-3,
Lequy E, Saby NPA, Ilyin I, Bourin A, Sauvage S, Leblond S. Spatial analysis of trace elements in a moss bio-monitoring data over France by accounting for source, protocol and environmental parameters. Sci Total Environ. vol. 590-591, pp 602-610, 2017.
Travnikov O., Angot H., Artaxo P., Bencardino M., Bieser J., D’Amore F., Dastoor A., De Simone F., del Carmen Diéguez M., Dommergue A., Ebinghaus R., Xin Bin Feng, Gencarelli C. N., Hedgecock I, M,, Magand O., Martin L., Matthias V., Mashyanov N., Pirrone N, Ramachandran R., Read K. A., Ryjkov A., Selin N. E., Sena F., Song S., Sprovier F.i, Wip D., Wängberg I., and Yang X., Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: Atmospheric processes and model evaluation. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 5271–5295, 2017.
Bieser J., Slemr F., Ambrose J., Brenninkmeijer C., Brooks S., Dastoor A., DeSimone F., Ebinghaus R., Gencarelli C. N., Geyer B., Gratz L. E., Hedgecock I. M., Jaffe D., Kelley P., Che-Jen Lin, Jaegle L., Matthias V., Ryjkov A., Selin N. E., Song S., Travnikov O., Weigelt A., Luke W., Ren X., Zahn A., Xin Yang, Yun Zhu, and Pirrone N. Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: vertical and interhemispheric distribution of mercury species. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6925–6955, 2017
Nickel S., Schröder W., Wosniok W., Harmens H., Frontasyeva M. V., Alber R., Aleksiayenak J., Barandovski L., Blum O., Danielsson H., de Temmermann L., Dunaev A. M., Fagerli H., Godzik B., Ilyin I., Jonkers S., Jeran Z., Karlsson G. P., Zechmeister H. G. Modelling and mapping heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in moss in 2010 throughout Europe by applying Random Forests models. Atmos. Environ., 156, 146–159, 2017.
Gencarelli C.N., Bieser J., Carbone F., De Simone F., Hedgecock I.M., Matthias V., Travnikov O., Yang X., Pirrone N. Sensitivity model study of regional mercury dispersion in the atmosphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 627-643 2016.
Pacyna J.M., Travnikov O., De Simone F., Hedgecock I.M., Sundseth K., Pacyna E.G., Steenhuisen F., Pirrone N., Munthe J., Kindbom K. Current and future levels of mercury atmospheric pollution on global scale. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 12495-12511, 2016.
Angot H., Dastoor A., De Simone F., Gårdfeldt K., Gencarelli C. N., Hedgecock I.M., Langer S., Magand O., Mastromonaco M.N., Nordstrøm C., Pfaffhuber K.A., Pirrone N., Ryjkov A., Selin N.E., Skov H., Song S., Sprovieri F., Steffen A., Toyota K., Travnikov O., Yang X., Dommergue A. (2016) Chemical cycling and deposition of atmospheric mercury in polar regions: review of recent measurements and comparison with models. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10735-10763.
Pandolfi M., A. Alastuey, N.Pérez, C. Reche, I. Castro, V. Shatalov, and X. Querol (2016) Trends analysis of PM source contributions and chemical tracers in NE Spain during 2004–2014: a multi-exponential approach. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11787–11805.
Supplement of "Trends analysis of PM source contributions and chemical tracers in NE Spain during 2004–2014: a multi-exponential approach"
Marco Pandolfi et al. Supplement of Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 11787–11805, 2016
Schuster J.K., T. Harner, G. Fillmann, L. Ahrens, J. C. Altamirano, B. Aristizábal, W. Bastos, L.E. Castillo, J. Cortés, O. Fentanes, A. Gusev, M. Hernandez, M. V. Ibarra, N. B. Lana, S. C. Lee, A. P. Martı́nez, K. S. B. Miglioranza, A. P. Puerta, F. Segovia, M. Siu, and M. Y. Tominaga (2015) Assessing Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans in Air across Latin American Countries Using Polyurethane Foam Disk Passive Air Samplers. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (6), pp 3680–3686.
Batrakova, N., Travnikov, O., and Rozovskaya, O. (2014) Chemical and physical transformations of mercury in the ocean: a review, Ocean Sci., 10, 1047-1063, doi:10.5194/os-10-1047-2014.
Bieser J., De Simone F., Gencarelli C., Geyer B., Hedgecock I., Matthias V., Travnikov O., Weigelt A. (2014) A diagnostic evaluation of modelled mercury wet depositions in Europe using atmospheric speciated high-resolution observations. Environ. Sci. Pollut. res.., doi: 10.1007/s11356-014-2863-2.
Goodsite M.E., Outridge P.M., Christensen J.H., Dastoor A., Muir D., Travnikov O., Wilson S. (2013) How well do environmental archives of atmospheric mercury deposition in the Arctic reproduce rates and trends depicted by atmospheric models and measurements? Science of The Total Environment 452–-453, 196-–207.
Pirrone N., Cinnirella S., Dastoor A., Ebinghaus R., Gratz L., Hedgecock I., Sprovieri F., Travnikov O., (2013) Atmospheric Pathways, Transport and Fate. In: AMAP/UNEP 2013. Technical Background Report for the Global Mercury Assessment 2013. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, Oslo, Norway/UNEP Chemicals Branch, Geneva, Switzerland. vi + 263 pp.
Gusev A., MacLeod M., Bartlett P. (2012) Intercontinental transport of persistent organic pollutants: a review of key findings and recommendations of the task force on hemispheric transport of air pollutants and directions for future research. Atmospheric Pollution Research 3, 463-465.
Shatalov V., J.H.Johansson, K. Wiberg, I.T.Cousins (2012) Tracing the origin of dioxins in Baltic air using an atmospheric modeling approach. Atmospheric Pollution Research 3, 408-416.
Travnikov O. (2012) Atmospheric transport of mercury. In: Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury (Eds. Liu, Cai and O’driscoll), John Wiley & Sons, pp. 331-366.
Tipping E, Wadsworth R.A., Norris D.A., Hall J.R. and Ilyin I. (2011) Long-term mercury dynamics in UK soils. Environ. Pollut. 159, 3474-3483.
Thoni L., Yurukova L., Bergamini A., Ilyin I., Matthaei D. (2011) Temporal trends and spatial patterns of heavy metal concentrations in mosses in Bulgaria and Switzerland: 1990-2005. Atmos. Environ. 45(11) 1899-1912.
Kaltz A, Harmens H., Holy M., Pesch R., Schroder W. and Ilyin I. (2010) Metalle und Stickstoff angereichert in Moosen Sachsens. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung. DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0126-5.
Genler L., Holy M., Pesch R., Schroder W., Harmens H. and Ilyin I. (2010) Anreicherung atmospherischer Depositionen von Metallen und Stickstoff in Moosen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns von 1990 bis 2005. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0128-3.
Schroder W., Pesch R., Kratz W., Holy M., Zechmeister H., Harmens H., Fagerli H. and Ilyin I. (2010) Atmospherische Deposition und Anreicherung von Schwermetallen und Stickstoff in Natura-2000-Gebieten Deutschlands. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0128-3.
Schroder W., Holy M., Pesch R., Ilyin I., Harmens H. and Gebhardt H. (2010) Erfassung der Anreicherung von Metallen und Stickstoff in baden-wattembergischen Moosen. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung. DOI: 10.1007/s12302-010-0146.
Travnikov O., Lin C.-J. Dastoor A., Bullock O.R., Hedgecock I.M., Holmes C., Ilyin I., Jaegle L., Jung G., Pan L., Pongprueksa P., Ryzhkov A., Seigneur C., Skov H. (2010) Global and regional modeling. In: HTAP 2010 Assessment Report. Part B, Mercury. Geneva: UN-Economic Comision for Europe. pp. 97-144.
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